farmland preservationFarmland preservation
UW Board of Regents’ authority over agricultural land expanded; Building Commission and UW—Madison provisions - Act 230
federal aidFederal aid
Arts Board funding increased to match federal aids to individuals and organizations - Act 377
Child welfare services and juvenile delinquency-related federal funds: limits on DCF use of the funds eliminated [Sec. 722, 1701] - Act 55
Dietetic internship program established under the WIC program; federal moneys, DHS duties, and FTE position provisions - Act 276
Family planning and related preventive health services: DHS to apply for federal grants and distribute funds to the Wisconsin Well-Woman Program and other entities under certain conditions - Act 151
Federal moneys received by DWD transferred to LIRC re unemployment administration and equal rights functions (remedial legislation) - Act 194
Oil overcharge funds, federal: program governing expenditures eliminated [Sec. 87, 793] - Act 55
Poison control system: federal matching funds [Sec. 4109d] - Act 55
St. Croix Valley Business Incubator: WEDC grant to the River Valley Economic Development Corporation, federal moneys provision [Sec. 3977m] - Act 55
feeFee, see Court -- Fee; Hunting; Jail; specific subject
Liquid manure transported along highway rights-of-way: utility permit and driveway permit requirements created; penalty and appeal provisions - Act 231
Revised Uniform Partnership Act adopted, with modifications - Act 295
Wisconsin Digital Property Act (Chapter 711) created - Act 300
filling stationFilling station, see Gasoline
financial disclosure by public officialsFinancial disclosure by public officials, see Ethics
financial institutionFinancial institution, see also Bank; Credit union
Actions against financial institutions prohibited re offers, promises, agreements, or commitments not in writing; definitions and conditions provisions; does not prohibit fraudulent representation actions or claims - Act 120
Financial institutions required to honor a notice of levy or request to enforce a lien in favor of other states re child support [Sec. 1849-1851] - Act 55
Institutions of higher education required to provide letter to students re each student’s loans, estimated cost of attendance, amount of grants, and information on financial literacy - Act 284
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities (ABLE accounts): provisions authorizing creation repealed; tax benefit contributions to accounts in other states continues; excluded from income re long-term care program eligibility; Internal Revenue Code provisions - Act 312
Support accounts for individuals with disabilities created, based on the federal ABLE program [Sec. 316e, 2118e, f, 2124e, 2186s, 9337 (2j)] - Act 55
financial institutions, department ofFinancial Institutions, Department of
Cemetery authority licensure requirements revised, religious associations and deposit of care funds provisions; DSPS administration of cemeteries and DFI regulation of cemetery authorities transferred to the Cemetery Board, salesperson licensure provision; rules established for disposition of occupied cemetery lots and mausoleum spaces; certain penalty provisions increased - Act 237
DFI general program operations: annual transfer reduced [Sec. 497m] - Act 55
DFI may require electronic filing [Sec. 3570] - Act 55
Railroad conveyances: DFI duties transferred to the Office of the Commissioner of Railroads [Sec. 3527d-h, 9314 (3f)] - Act 55
Revised Uniform Partnership Act adopted, with modifications - Act 295
financial institutions, department of _ administrative rulesFinancial Institutions, Department of -- Administrative rules
Charitable organizations, professional fund-raisers, fund-raising counsel, and professional employer organizations: registration and other requirements revised; DFI rules modified [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 60.01, 60.02, 60.03, 60.04, 60.05, 60.06, 60.07, 60.075, 60.08] - Act 163
Credit union operations statutory changes; DFI rule revisions [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-CU 63.03, 69.02, DFI-SL 12.03, DFI-SB 12.03] - Act 304
DFI rules modified re UCC Article 9 filings made in an office of register of deeds; DOR rules modified re real estate transfer fee, register of deeds provision [Admin.Code DFI-CCS 7.03; Tax 15.04] - Act 38
financial literacyFinancial literacy, see Literacy
financial responsibility, proof ofFinancial responsibility, Proof of, see Solid waste management
Abortion law revisions re postfertilization age of unborn child, prohibition at or after 20 weeks, hospital and clinic reporting requirements, and informed consent; exemption, civil remedies, injunction, and penalty provisions - Act 56
Cemetery authority licensure requirements revised, religious associations and deposit of care funds provisions; DSPS administration of cemeteries and DFI regulation of cemetery authorities transferred to the Cemetery Board, salesperson licensure provision; rules established for disposition of occupied cemetery lots and mausoleum spaces; certain penalty provisions increased - Act 237
Commercial feed and feed product requirements: penalties for violations revised - Act 244
``Lead-bearing paint" and ``lead poisoning or lead exposure" definitions revised; civil and criminal penalties modified [Sec. 4045p, 4048d-4049e, 9318 (1v)] - Act 55
Liquid manure transported along highway rights-of-way: utility permit and driveway permit requirements created; penalty and appeal provisions - Act 231
Motor vehicles acquired for scrap metal or junking: motor vehicle salvage dealer required to examine title certificate, penalty provisions; ``motor vehicle scavenger" defined [Sec. 3434c-w, 3564b-y, 9445 (2u), 9452 (3u)] - Act 55
Transportation network companies: licensure program created; DSPS duties; fee, insurance, airport, penalty, and ordinance provisions - Act 16
UW parking fees and fines may be used for campus safety and transportation-related programs; Building Commission prohibited from authorizing general fund borrowing re construction of UW parking facilities - Act 185
Automatic fire sprinklers: DSPS may not promulgate or enforce rule requiring in one- or two-family dwelling [Sec. 2714m, n] - Act 55
Automatic fire suppression systems for certain buildings on fairgrounds: DSPS requirement and enactment or enforcement of ordinance requiring prohibited if certain conditions are met - Act 240
Forest fire suppression and prevention grants changed to biennial appropriation [Sec. 634] - Act 55
Landlord and tenant law revisions: local government authority, historic landmark designation, automatic sprinklers in multifamily dwellings, towing vehicles from private property, termination of tenancy, trespass, and disposal of personal property left by trespasser; DOT and criminal activity provisions - Act 176
Public fire protection charges on municipal water utility bill: person who owns certain adjacent parcels are billed as one parcel [Sec. 3528k] - Act 55
Seasonal placement of a Christmas tree in the Capitol rotunda or a church: prohibiting promulgation or enforcement of a DSPS rule and enactment or enforcement of an ordinance re fire safety - Act 333
Sporting heritage grants and Fox River Navigational System Authority funding repealed; funding for Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission; forestry and fire prevention study revised [Sec. 635, 635d, 1036c-e, 1057, 3949, 3950, 9132 (4c), 9432 (1c)] - Act 55
Wells used for fire protection or to provide water to a single family or multifamily residence is not considered a high capacity well; DNR approval, annual pumping report, and fee provisions - Act 177
fire departmentFire department
Child and family support obligations: public employee income continuation insurance and duty disability benefits may be assigned for support or arrearage payments [Sec. 1401, 1473, 1782, 4252, 4605-4607, 9306 (2)] - Act 55
Compatible offices and positions: EMT, volunteer fire fighter, or first responder whose compensation does not exceed set amounts may also hold an elective office in the same city, town, or village - Act 341
High-deductible health plan option for municipal police officers, fire fighters, and EMTs [Sec. 1952c] [partial veto] - Act 55
fire sprinklerFire sprinkler, see Fire
firearms and dangerous weaponsFirearms and dangerous weapons
Certification cards for concealed weapons: qualified former law enforcement officers may receive from a successor agency and DOJ may issue to former out-of-state law enforcement officers who are Wisconsin residents - Act 68
Concealed weapon license: applicant who is stationed in Wisconsin in active service of the U.S. armed forces is eligible - Act 67
Firearm possession in a school zone: exemption for qualified law enforcement and former law enforcement officers; trespass provision - Act 23
Handgun purchase: 48 hour waiting period eliminated - Act 22
Possessing or using a firearm to commit certain crimes after being convicted of certain violent felonies: mandatory minimum period of confinement established - Act 109
Seized firearm: procedure for returning to person who owns the firearm revised - Act 141
Shining wild animals: ``flashlight" definition revised and use of firearm-mounted light permitted - Act 249
Switchblade prohibition eliminated; local governments prohibited from regulating the sale, purchase, and possession of knives; disorderly conduct provision; license to carry concealed weapon does not include knives; going armed with a concealed knife prohibition modified; ordinance or resolution prohibiting possession of knives in certain buildings permitted - Act 149
first class cityFirst class city, see Milwaukee -- City
first responderFirst responder, see Medical service
fish and fishingFish and fishing
Activities that intentionally interfere with hunting, trapping, or fishing: lawful activities definition and prohibited conduct expanded - Act 346
Aquaculture specialist funding from Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 806g, r, 9448 (5j)] [vetoed] - Act 55
Kettle Moraine Springs fish hatchery funding [Sec. 960, 991s] - Act 55
Structures placed in navigable waterways and wetlands re fish and wildlife habitat creation: civil liability exemption created - Act 220
fish and fishing _ licenseFish and fishing -- License
Fish and wildlife management activities: DNR to prepare a funding report [Sec. 9132 (1v)] - Act 55
Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals - Act 97
Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions - Act 89
Transfer of hunting, fishing, or trapping approval to a person with a disability permitted under certain conditions; transfer of a Class A bear license to a Purple Heart recipient or armed forces member on active duty permitted under certain conditions - Act 98
Trolling permit: DNR to issue to persons with impaired sight under certain conditions - Act 363
fish and game wardenFish and game warden
Recreation vehicle registration and regulation revisions; hunting, trapping, and fishing approval and regulation revisions; place of trial for certain fish and game law violations; DNR duties and electronic system for accessing approvals and certificates; enforcement, penalty, and emergency rule provisions - Act 89